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MTL5582B MTL Intrinsically Safe Isolator 5500 Series RTD-RTD Isolator, Київ
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MTL5582B MTL Intrinsically Safe Isolator 5500 Series RTD-RTD Isolator, Київ

Регіон: м. Київ
MTL 5500 Intrinsically Safe Isolators Resistance Isolator MTL5582B

MTL4582B - MTL5582B RESISTANCE ISOLATOR to repeat RTD signals
The MTLx582B connects to a 2-, 3-, or 4-wire resistance temperature device (RTD) or other resistance located in a hazardous area, isolates it and repeats the resistance to a monitoring system in the safe area. The module is intended typically (but not exclusively) for use with Pt100 3-wire RTDs. Switches enable selection of 2-, 3-, or 4-wire RTD connection. The MTLx582B should be considered as an alternative, non-configurable MTLx575, for use in RTD applications where a resistance input is preferred or needed instead of 4/20mA. The design is notable for its ease of use and repeatability. The number of wires which can be connected on the safe-area side of the unit is independent of the number of wires which can be connected on the hazardous-area side. The module drives upscale in the case of open circuit detection.

Email: anna@cwlyautomation.com
Tel: +86 13667121125 whatsapp/ vk/ telegram also available (//pgr.com.ua)
Company: CW Green Tech

MTL5582B product specification
See also common specification
Number of channels
Автор, контакти
Anna Shu /  відгуки, інфо. /  оцінка активності
Дата реєстрації (на сайті): 23.09.2024
ID оголошення: #387983 (додано зареєстрованим користувачем, дата реєстрації: 23-09-2024)
Додано: 26-09-2024 11:56   (актуальне, до: 26-09-2025)
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